> The only key to the kingdom of God is Christ. Some people’s destinies have been cutoff because they prefer to take shortcut. 

> Anyway taken by you as an alternative to the only right way is a dead trap. Step out of it. 

> Nothing else except One can secure your eternal destiny and that is your decision to follow Christ. 

> The most powerful thing of this world fades away, Christ never fail.

> The choice of who you become is in your hands. No shortcut, Christ is all you need to be the best in God.



Many people have a very gigantic house built with much money and they call it modern structure but they are homeless in the Spirit realms wandering about with no where to lay their heads. We call them rich people but they are very poor when it comes to the things of the Spirit. 

So sad and sad enough, the devil sit upon them, maltreating them with no one to help or safe them. They have all the money but they can’t buy peace for themselves. They have dollars but they can’t buy good health. They have private guns and weapons yet they can’t kill the smallest among demons. Sorry, your money can’t perform the function of Christ.

Truly, they have money to buy food but they can’t eat for lack of appetite because of the struggles and troubles of life. These men experience terrible nightmares and all they can do is to wake up and weep bitterly. Nothing within to defend their precious lives.

These famous and highly intellectual personalities can talk, blow grammars and play very well but they don’t know how to pray and speak in tongues. No wonder some of them die like chicken without any notice. What a malady!

The most pathetic of all is that they die without taking any of the houses they built with them. Even if they die inside their own room, they would be packed out by their people and be buried outside the building they laboured all through their lives to build.

What a derogatory experience! It doesn’t matter the number of house a man has, when he dies without Christ, he is homeless. Why then do you labour on ephemeral things and neglect the core issue of life? How on earth do you master all things on earth and have little or no knowledge of God?

This state of homelessness is the reason for the dangers that men experience in the world. Most people move around without a dwelling place. Men go about gathering all day yet they are perpetually in lack because of their homelessness.

The first amongst all treasures suitable for the security of every man is a viable dwelling place. The lack of this would make one a vagabond, a restless man and such will be open to devil’s torment. 

It is terrible to lay one’s treasures here on earth; where they are not safe. The best house you can build is spiritual house where you can possess, enjoy and sustain divine provisions.

Finally, see what the scripture says about this. 

“Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” Matthew 6:19-21.

Friend, Christ is all you need, you can’t cut Him off your way. No shortcut. Let Jesus have His way today and now!

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