By Tosin Adegoke 
The difference between men who are wonders and the ones who will end up as wanderers is the understanding of divine direction.
Any assumed progress without direction is nothing but a journey to frustration and extinction. True progress is not measured by mere movement, but by moving in the right direction. 
Please friends, don’t mix things up by believing moving up and down is equal to speed. Many who ought to be wonders in their generation might end up wanderers if they fail to acknowledge the place of direction before too many actions.
The password or way to the top isn’t running with great speed, it is actually the understanding of your God ordained path and assignment in life, coupled with your commitment to growth and development. Even a minister needs to function in specific office.
Three Dangers of Trackless Movements.
1. Unprofitability
Of what use is our commitment to a course that will in turn yield nothing at the end of the day? Actually the testimony of any man that runs in any path other than the one revealed by God will be like that of Peter who said to Jesus that “We have  laboured all night and we caught nothing.” (Luke 5:1-11).
Remember, the issue with Peter was not lack of fishing skills because he was a professional fisher man. When the all knowing father stepped into the scene, direction came and productivity surfaced.
Friend, stop running because you think you know it all or because you are skillful in that area of life. He who waits upon the Lord for direction before moving is wise because such will never taste frustration and disappointment. 
2. Effort in futility 
One thing comes to mind when running in a relay race on a particular track, (whether your legitimate track or another’ track) every one wants to be the first and in a bid to come up as the first, more energy and strength will be committed to the assignment in order to be the best. 
One terrible fact about the matter is that, being the best is not subject to all the effort you have put into beating everyone around you in order to be the best, but on you running on your track. 
Based on the rule of relay race, being the first to end the race is not only the yardstick for positioning but running on your track. 
Any effort invested into a journey that is not in line with divine prescription will end in nothing but futility. Never seek speed when direction is not clear.
3. Disqualification
Instead of appreciation most people have been receiving disqualification. This could also be traceable to a strong acceleration on the wrong track. At this level the person in question will not even be rated at all, performance notwithstanding!
It shows that the person has no record for the work done. All appeared off record because all operations were carried out off-course. 
Nothing kills a man’s drive than working without any appraisal and acknowledgment. He is doing everything but nothing is seen, that state is the sure way to frustration. 
You can say no to such experience by seeking direction before venturing into manifestation. 

Three Ways to Receive Divine Direction
1. Sonship 
Failure to receive God is the number one reason why many don’t know the way of the Lord. Access to divine direction becomes easy when Jesus is received into any life. 
No matter how ugly your past looks like Jesus is ready to accept you and show the way to go. “But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God…” (John 1:12). Also, Isaiah 48:17, Psalm 32:8-9,
To be son of God is to be able to talk to God and receive clear responses from Him. Direction will always be given to any son who ask His father. Receiving is the privilege reserved to those who ask. 
Jesus Christ is the way. Encounter with Him gives you access to the understanding of His way.
2. Fellowship
One of the great privileges you have as believers is the ability to fellowship with God. It is in this place of fellowship that we receive instructions and direction. It is not enough to be sons of God. Being led by the spirit of God is a must for every believer. (Rom 8:14).
Being led by the spirit of God is the seal to your sonship. Don’t claim you are born again and be void of everything that redemption purchased for you. 
You can engage constant fellowship with the Lord in His word, prayer and spiritual songs. His word is a lamp unto my feet and light unto my path. Divine direction comes when God’s word is esteemed. The entrance of his word bringeth light and understanding… 
Get in tune with the Holy Spirit for direction and be on your way to greatness.
3. Partnership
Walking daily with the Lord is a very important key for understanding divine direction. Strong fellowship with God should enhance strong partnership with the immortal. It helps us to host divine presence everyday to fulfil divine mandate on earth. 
A very good example is Jesus Christ during His earthly ministry. Jesus didn’t do anything on His own, He operated by the understanding of divine direction. John 8:28, John 5:19, John 15:4-5
At this level you become an emissary of God and you go about fulfilling the ambassadorial duties. Dispensing the reality of God everywhere you go. Jehoshaphat led God’s people to war and he enjoyed divine direction. He went out to battle with singers and he had an overwhelming victory. (2Chr.20). 
David was a man who also recieved divine direction and enjoyed unprecedented victories during his reign. Locating and following God’s direction will always lead to sweatless breakthrough.

Check Yourself
Have you been labouring and trying your best to be enthroned and yet nothing is coming forth? You need to check your placement and direction, because every correct labour will always attract reward. (1Tim 5:18).
To enjoy progress is to be very sure of your path and deliberately press forward in the path. You must avoid trackless movement to be free from trackless reward. 
Yes, you can escape those unexpected payback by staying and working where you are expected to be. Your reward has been waiting for you in the right direction, locate it.
Don’t continue to do everything for nothing. Be specific and purposeful in your actions. You have but a short time, use it judiciously.
Don’t Forget!
I have discovered in life that many want to experience unusual speed, they want to wake up one day and see themselves at the top. True speed happens when there is acceleration in the right direction. 
Movement is not equal to progress. Yes, we know that progress is not possible without movement, we must also accept the fact that not all so called movement connotes progress. 
Your interest in the rate of change in velocity with respect to time is quite commendable. Acceleration is needed, but let not this be done with no destination in view.
Increase in the magnitude of velocity in the right direction is the key to your enthronement.
“Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” (Prov.3:5-6).
See you at the top!
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